utilizing a range of mediums, including writing, photography/videography, and design. I create content that not only tells a story but also brings it to life in a way that resonates with audiences.


Role: Host + Producer

This is a long-term passion project that I use to share my writing, utilizing an audio format to learn new software and increase my efficiency. I plan, record, and edit my audio and behind-the-scenes content using Adobe software.

Role: Photographer

I independently secured a media pass to the 2023 Danny Rumph Classic, attending three of the five days. I was responsible for taking pictures during the games and editing them to send back to the organizers of the tournament.

Role: Website Designer

This was a multifaceted and creative process to create a visually appealing interface. My process involved research, wireframing, responsive design, and search engine optimization.

Latest episodes

Micro Musings

A Website.